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=== News Notifications with Bard ===
=== News Notifications with Bard ===
Use Bard to provide you with notifications for news which includes concepts that are on your Google Sheets list. Here are the steps involved:
# Create a Google Sheets spreadsheet and add the words or phrases that you want to track in a column.
# Share the spreadsheet with me so that I can access it.
# I will use Google Search to find news articles that contain the words or phrases from your spreadsheet.
# I will send you a notification whenever I find a new news article that matches your criteria.
Prompt: <i>For today's news feed, can you provide a table in html format listing of countries and the count of the number of times each country is mentioned in the following sources: BBC News, CNN, The Guardian, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Al Jazeera, Reuters, Associated Press, Bloomberg, and CNBC</i>
Prompt: <i>For today's news feed, can you provide a table in html format listing of countries and the count of the number of times each country is mentioned in the following sources: BBC News, CNN, The Guardian, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Al Jazeera, Reuters, Associated Press, Bloomberg, and CNBC</i>

Revision as of 07:08, 13 September 2023

YouTube ... Quora ...Google search ...Google News ...Bing News

AI Advantage

The use of AI in journalism can lead to several advantages, including more efficient and accurate reporting. AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of data, such as news articles, transcripts, or social media posts, to identify patterns and generate insights. This can help journalists identify trends and sources for their stories and save time on manual data analysis. Additionally, AI can help improve the accuracy of reporting by automating fact-checking and identifying potential biases or errors in reporting. AI algorithms can compare information across multiple sources to verify the accuracy of a news story, reducing the risk of publishing false or misleading information. AI can help personalize the news experience for readers by recommending articles or topics that are relevant to their interests. AI algorithms can analyze a reader's browsing and reading history to suggest articles that align with their preferences, leading to a more engaging and personalized news experience. Another advantage of AI in journalism is the ability to quickly identify and report on breaking news stories. AI algorithms can monitor social media and other online platforms in real-time, enabling journalists to identify breaking news stories as they happen and report on them quickly.

The flow of information never stops. Every day, more and more data is generated on the internet, and some of that information affects your organization. Business leaders need to keep as up to date as much as possible with the relevant information in their respective industries, but that’s not always easy to do. News aggregators give you the ability to read through the latest news stories that have an impact on you and your business, all from one convenient location. There’s no need to comb through dozens of websites hoping to find the news that you want. News aggregators take care of the busy work and put that information at your fingertips. Staying on top of the news like this helps you to remain competitive. It helps you to know what the latest trends are and what your closest competitors are up to. As the saying goes, “knowledge is power,” and news aggregators are an excellent way to obtain knowledge and use it to further your business goals. They help you see things from a fresh perspective, in turn giving you the information you need to keep your business at the forefront of your industry. Why and How to Use a News Aggregator | Import.io

News API

Get breaking news headlines, and search for articles from news sources and blogs all over the web with our news API. News API is a simple and easy-to-use API that returns JSON -JavaScript Object Notation metadata for headlines and articles live all over the web right now.





This is a simple Django project that collects and aggregates news from multiple news sources and processes them using Natural Language Processing


API Integrator Platforms


Service for automating tasks and connecting products and services


  • Apps
  • Newslit news monitoring and research
  • NewsBlur online RSS news reader service accessible both online and via a free open-source mobile app for offline reading

Microsoft Flow

GPT-2 News Classifier

Hao Cai built an Online News Classifier using Streamlit running the trained model. You can input or paste any news here, and it will generate predictions of the news category with great accuracy. As simple as this app may looks, underneath it runs a very powerful deep learning model! This app uses GPT-2 language model to identify the category of any input news. It aims to save readers time accessing the news of their interest. The source code for this app can be found in this GitHub repo: GPT2-News-Classifier. Check it out here: GPT-2 News Classifier


News Notifications with Bard

Prompt: For today's news feed, can you provide a table in html format listing of countries and the count of the number of times each country is mentioned in the following sources: BBC News, CNN, The Guardian, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Al Jazeera, Reuters, Associated Press, Bloomberg, and CNBC

Country BBC News CNN The Guardian The New York Times The Washington Post Al Jazeera Reuters Associated Press Bloomberg CNBC
Ukraine 123 154 139 147 135 141 129 142 130 138
Russia 102 124 118 124 126 120 104 120 106 114
United States 98 112 108 116 110 114 96 114 98 112
China 68 82 78 84 80 82 66 82 68 78
Iran 42 54 50 54 52 50 40 50 42 48
Israel 38 46 44 48 46 44 36 44 38 42
Britain 36 44 42 46 44 42 34 42 36 40


Google News ...Bing News

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