...predict values
When a value is being predicted, as with stock prices, supervised learning is called regression.
I want to...
- ...be fast, nice line fittings, then try the Linear Regression
- ...small dataset, nice line fittings, then try the Bayesian Linear Regression
- ...fit where small deviations are not penalized, then try Support Vector Regression (SVR)
- ...rank ordered categories, then try the Ordinal Regression
- ...predict event counts, then try the Poisson Regression; log-linear
- ...predict a distribution rather than point prediction with labeled data, then try the Fast Forest Quantile Regression
- ...accuracy matters, I can NOT accept a long training time, and have little memory, then try a Decision Forest Regression
- ...accuracy matters, I can NOT accept a long training time, then try a Boosted Decision Tree Regression with large memory fooprint
- ...accuracy matters, I can accept a long training time, then try a General Regression Neural Network (GRNN)