Web Automation
YouTube search... ...Google search
- Web Automation with Python
- Requests ...simple HTTP library for Python
- Beautiful Soup - bs4 ...for parsing HTML and XML documents. It creates parse trees
- Scrapy ...open source and collaborative framework for extracting the data you need from websites
- Selenium ...a web testing library. It is used to automate browser activities.
- Regular Expressions (Regex)
[hide]Beautiful Soup and Requests
Jupyter Notebook
YouTube search... ...Google search
- Web Scraping Guide | StrataScratch ...web scraping in Python with Beautiful Soup
- Using Selenium with Google Colaboratory | Darek Tidwell
YouTube search... ...Google search
- Excel ... Documents ... Database; Vector & Relational ... Graph ... LlamaIndex
- AutomateTheWeb.net
- Getting data in Excel without coding VBA to scrape a website use Power Query | WiseOwl
VBA using Selenium
- Browser automation in Excel VBA using Selenium | Ranjith Kumar - Coding is Love
- Web Scraping – Filling in Forms | Philip Treacy
There are two ways to get information from websites programmatically: by downloading their data, or by parsing their HTML. WiseOwl
- WiseOwl Training Videos
- 46 - Querying Web Pages with Query Tables
- 47.1 - Browsing to Websites and Scraping Web Page
- 47.2 - Scraping Website Tables and Clicking Links
- 47.3 - Internet Explorer vs XML HTTP Request
- 47.4 - Logging in to a Website with Windows Security
- 47.5 - Basic HTTP GET and POST Requests
- 48 - Scraping Multiple Web Pages
- 49 - Downloading Files from Websites