Auto Keras
Auto-Keras is an open source software library for automated machine learning (AutoML). It is developed by DATA Lab at Texas A&M University and community contributors. The ultimate goal of AutoML is to provide easily accessible deep learning tools to domain experts with limited data science or machine learning background. Auto-Keras provides functions to automatically search for architecture and hyperparameters of deep learning models.
An open source python package written in the very easy to use deep learning library Keras. Auto Keras uses Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS), an efficient and most recent version of Neural Architecture Search. You can quickly and easily install the package with a pip install autokeras and voila, you’re ready to do your own architecture search on your own dataset … for free. Since all of the code is open source, you can even play around with some of the parameters if you want to do something really custom. It’s all Keras so the code is easy to understand and dive into, allowing developers to quickly create accurate models and researchers to take a deeper dive into architecture search. AutoKeras has everything a great open source project should have: quick install, easy to run, lots of examples, easy to modify, and you even get to see the network model that NAS found out at the end! AutoKeras: The Killer of Google’s AutoML | George Seif - KDnuggets