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Energy Efficient Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing for Embedded Applications
Energy storage & Artificial intelligence | Sustainable Energy
Stem couple energy storage with artificial intelligence so that their customers can store renewable energy on a major scale. Then, they can use it efficiently when and where they need it, saving time and money.
Jim Gao (Google): How AI can Change the Energy World
Listen to Google's Guru of Machine Learning Jim Gao at Tech Festival 2017. on how artificial intelligence can change the energy world. He argues that AI is about augmenting human intelligence and that it offers the opportunity to solve many hard problems such as climate change Speaker information: Jim Gao is a Data Center Engineer at Google. He focuses on large data analysis, machine learning, data center design and construction. Before joining Google, he graduated from U.C. Berkeley with B.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Sciences.
AI Is Helping Supply 1 Billion People in India with Renewable Energy
World Economic Forum India is changing the way energy happens by bringing together the power of hardware with software. Watch to see how.
Solar Energy
Plug and Play Solar Panel with Artificial Intelligence !!!
Awesome Engineering
The solar labs uses AI technology in solar industry
Siddharth Gangal, Co-Founder & CEO, The Solar Labs talks to CXOTV about their company and their expectations from the government. The company brings the latest AI technologies to the solar industry, thereby improving quality of processes and reducing cost in the form of the finest software in the industry.