YouTube search... ...Google search
- Platforms: Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS)
- TensorFlow
- DeepMind - Open Source
- AI Platform
- AI Hub
- Kubeflow Pipelines ML workflows on Kubernetes
- Google Cloud
- Google Cloud Code and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
- Automated Machine Learning (AML) - AutoML
- We’re making tools and resources available so that anyone can use technology to solve problems | Google AI
- Colaboratory (Colab) - Jupyter notebooks
- Google Developers Codelabs
- Dopamine - reinforcement learning algorithms
- Google AI Experiments
- ML Engine
- Prediction API
- Cloud Vision API - drag & drop picture on webpage
- Grow with Google
- Learn from ML experts at Google
- Tools and Resources
- Psychlab for testing virtual agents in 3D environments
- IMPALA (Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architecture)
- Google AIY Projects Program
- Android Neural Networks API
- BiqQuery ML (BQML)
The Path From Cloud AutoML to Custom Model (Cloud Next '19)
by Sara Robinson